

Here's the story so far...

'Je me suis fait capturer par l'Empire et condonner à mort avec les Sombrages. Nous avons été emmenés à Helgen, mais avant mon exécution, un dragon est apparu et a ataqué la ville. Il faut que je trouve un moyen de m'echapper.'

No time to stop and think here...let alone try to decipher what the French villagers are saying as the dragon spews fire on us from above. 

I climb a tower and the dragon splits it in half. Leaping from the opening in the tower to a thatched building on fire, I scrabble across the roof and drop down over the other side, past a number of archers firing arrows up into the sky at the dragon.

Then I'm called over by a man with a sword, who asks me to follow him (I gather...I don't really understand what he says). It turns out his name is Vers Donjon d'Helgen and as the dragon flies around above, he's now urging me onwards 'Vite!' Oops...too late. I stopped to write this blog post thinking I'd be safe for a moment, but the dragon has just clawed me to death and I'm now (Groundhog day, anyone?) back in line to have my head chopped off,,,still, it's what happens in computer games...if you fail, you can try again and fail better next time...

The great thing about this for language learning is that I get to hear it all again.

Off to have another go at saving my skin and will blog again when I'm safe.

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