
Donjon d'Helgen

So, now I'm inside a building, but I still don't know why this guy I've just met has helped me. He's standing there speaking to me in a French, but I don't have a clue what he's saying to me. He just keeps repeating three phrases and I think he thinks if he does this and speaks louder I'll understand him - funny how games mirror real life, isn't it?

I've put him on hold now, and can see something about a journal, although how I'm supposed to read a journal when my hands are still tied, I don't know...

'Le journal de quêtes répertorie vos quêtes et vos objectifs. Si vous appoyez sur x après avoir sélectionné une quête, cette dernière deviendra.'

OK, I think I get the gist of most of that...My quests at the moment seem to be...

  • 'Échappez-vous d'Helgen' (straightforward enough - I don't want to stick around here with all those flames and falling masonry
  • 'Entrez dans le donjon en compagnie d'Hadvar ou de Ralof' ) OK, although I'm still none the wiser why they want to lead me into the dungeon.
  • 'Atteignez le donjon' (do something in the dungeon...but what?)
Trying now to decipher what Ralof (or is is Hadavar?) is saying...

'Poissez va libra' (?) and 'Laissez moi vi de rei' (?) and 'C'est llan de lo pasque du pay du sa' and 'Honey, il fou pujez ma livre' idea matter how much he repeats himself. I'm just going to go with my instincts and follow the guy...

Aha! He wanted to cut me free. He must have thought I was strangely attached to being tied up, hanging back there. Well, that feels much better, and I now have access to the 'carte' and other possibilities such as 'objets', 'compètencies' and 'magie'. Looking at the 'compètencies' I realise I am spoilt for choice, so I'll leave that for a while, and see what Hadavar (for it is he) wants. 
Hmmm...he's a difficult one to understand: ''Fui yo c'est caf pour vois sur d'ans trovelleur peiner du Bordeaux' and 'Fer ye mis ou equipez' and 'Il ya tres droit mis...Arrive-vois' 
No idea, but it seems he doesn't want anything more to do with me - he's turned his back on me now I'm free of my bindings. 
So, I take a look around the room instead, opening up a few chests and taking some 'Armure Impèriale Légère', 'Bottes Impériales Légères', an 'Épée de fer' and the 'Clé du donjon d'Helgen' - the great thing about objects in a game is that you can see them, so it's easy to identify words with the actual vocabulary. 

Now I have the key to the dungeon, I can get out of here.

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