
Avant La Tempête

Here's what I'm told about this new stage in the game...

'Hadaver m'a suggére de me rendre à la ville voisine de Rivebois. Son oncle en est le forgeron et devrait pouvoir m'aider'

I now have a new task...'Adressez-vous à Alvar à Rivebois.' Off we go...

And on the way, I get to speak to Hadaver...first about the prisoners...

'Qui étaient ces autres prisonniers?'

'Ulfric Sombrage' and his lieutenants apparently...hmm... doesn't mean much to me...but, speaking some more I find out that we're in the middle of a civil war against the Empire, and that's why I was a prisoner.

'Comment avez-vous fait pour capturer Ulfric?' An ambush apparently...

Hadaver seems to think I should rejoin the Empire. I'm not sure about that one, but he says I should give it a second chance. Well, I'll think about it.

Hadaver understands that I think it unwise to rejoin the Empire when they were about to execute me, and says he'll leave the choice up to me...(at least all of this is what I think is being said).

And now it's daytime again, but I can hear the sound of wolves...

A few moments later, and the wolves are at our feet and we arrive at the gates of Rivesbois.

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